Originally shared via Sean Hicks Keller City Council Place 2 Facebook page: January 3, 2019
In the last few days I've been getting questions concerning the Future Land Use Plan (FLUP) that our city has been working on for several months. It seems there is misinformation floating around about the FLUP and I'd like to try and set the facts straight.
“Don't let the rhetoric and fear mongering shape your opinion. Get educated.”
First and foremost the process is underway and nothing has been completed.
The proposal from the FLUP Task Force is still going through the process with P&Z and still has to come before council. The city staff, FLUP Task Force, and the city's consultant have worked very hard to get input from everyone (voters, staff, etc.) and they are absolutely taking all of this into consideration when making their recommendations.
Our consultant can not and has not "high jacked" the process of creating the FLUP.
The consultant takes the feedback of all parties and mixes it with their expertise and gives us a proposal. The proposal has changed several times through out the process from the feedback received. Those in the city trying to scare everyone about high density are being disingenuous.
The term that everyone uses to create concern is "mixed-use". Mixed-use does not mean apartments.
The city's UDC has the definition for "mixed-use" and the word apartment doesn't appear in it. Mixed-use can be many different things including light office, restaurant, retail, etc. Apartments are also defined in our UDC and it is clear that no one is wanting to have a group of three or more multi-family structures under singular ownership. That is not "mixed-use".
The FLUP is a guide to potential developers on what we would consider. The proposed FLUP has "mixed-use" on the outer edges of our city and not in the middle of the large lots of North Keller as some are trying to lead you to believe.
All of the current zoning doesn't allow for mixed-use in the areas being suggested to be mixed-use and if a residential project came along it would still have to have approval and when the request to make zoning changes is made the people within 200 ft of the project will be notified.
If enough people in the area don't want the zoning change to allow the project, a super majority (6 council members) would be required to allow the change.
Don't let the rhetoric and fear mongering shape your opinion. Get educated.
You can read the entire plan on the city's website at www.cityofkeller.com.
If you take the time to review the plan and have questions I'd love talk with you. As always your feedback is important and appreciated. I appreciate your continued support.
-Sean M Hicks